Step by step: Creating a CD

This help topic will describe the recommended way to create your own CDs with MediaCD. Click on the links for more information about a specific step.

  1. Using Windows Explorer, create a folder (hereafter, "CD folder") on your hard drive to hold files for the CD.
  2. Copy all video and audio files for the CD into the CD folder. Keep in mind the size limit of the CD (approximately 650 MB).
  3. Organize the files into folders within the CD folder.
  4. Open MediaCD Configuration Editor. Or, if it is already open, select New from the File menu to create a new configuration.
  5. If desired, specify the window title, about text, and window size.
  6. If you want to use a custom icon for the window:
    • Copy the icon (*.ico) file you wish to use into your CD folder.
    • Check the Icon check box.
    • Click the Choose file... link, and select the icon file you just copied.
  7. If you want to display a background image in the window:
    • Copy the desired background image file into your CD folder.
    • Check the Background Image check box.
    • Click the Choose file... link, and select the image file you just copied.
    • Select background image repetition mode, and horizontal and vertical alignment.
  8. If desired, specify custom background, text, and hover colors.
  9. If you want to use your own list item bullet images:
    • Copy image files for the bullets into your CD folder.
    • Select the Use custom bullets radio button.
    • For each bullet image, click the Choose file... link, and select the image for the bullet image.
  10. If you want MediaCD to automatically play a particular file when started:
    • Click the Play upon startup check box.
    • Click the Choose file... link, and select the file to play from within your CD folder
  11. Select supported media players and miscellaneous display options.
  12. If you would like to customize which file types MediaCD should display:
    • Click the Customize categories and file filters check box.
    • Define categories by adding, editing, or removing them.
    • Specify file filters by adding or removing them; changing the filter string, setting which player to use, and which category it belongs to.
  13. Select Save As... from the File menu, and save your configuration file in your CD folder.
  14. Select Preview with MediaCD from the File menu to run your configuration.
  15. Make changes to configuration settings as necessary.
  16. When finished, select Save for CD... from the File menu, and save over your current configuration in the CD folder. This will add the files MediaCD.exe and autorun.inf to the CD folder.
  17. With Windows Explorer, double-check your CD folder for the following files:
    • Your configuration file
    • MediaCD.exe
    • Autorun.inf
    • Your icon file, if you specified one.
    • Your background image file, if you specified one.
    • Your custom bullet image files, if you specified one.
  18. Run your CD creation software. Add all the files and folders within your CD folder to the CD, then create the CD
  19. Eject the CD, and reinsert it. MediaCD will execute with your custom configuration.